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Retiree Network News

Articles from the AFT Michigan Forum

Volume 63 No. 1, Winter 2004


Most retirees are familiar with the various acronyms that are part of our retirement system. Each month we get a check from MPSERS, a regular bulletin from the ORS, an annual enrollment request from MARSP, a medical newsletter from BS/BC and for many of us another monthly check from the SSA. But few if any retirees recognize or know about the RCC.

The Retirement Coordinating Council is the only statewide organization whose sole purpose is to protect our current benefit program as well as working fulltime to bring about changes that improve and enhance our retirement benefits. It is a chief spokesperson for both public school and state employee retirees in Lansing.

The RCC is supported and maintained by the voluntary contributions of a variety of educational, labor and state employee organizations as well as individuals. These groups include the MFT&SRP, Federation locals, AFSCME locals, School Administrator organizations, Community College groups, Service Employees Unions, Correctional Officer Organizations, Governmental Employee Groups and several retiree groups from around the state. Unfortunately there are two groups that are not financial supporters of the RCC. They are the UAW which represents a large number of state employees and the MEA who withdrew from the organization a number of years ago.

Although their annual budget is small compared to other "lobbyists" in Lansing, their work is recognized and applauded by those who are knowledgeable and involved in retiree activities. The chief Legislative Agent for the RCC in Lansing is Capitol Services Inc. Ms. Ellen Hoekstra and Mr. Darrell Tennis make up CSI experience and knowledge from both education and labor.

In addition, The RCC sponsors regular workshops to update retirees on issues and programs. It hosts an annual Legislative Luncheon with state Representative and Senators and publishes a regular newsletter.

The other major work of the RCC is representing retirees at the monthly meetings of the MPSERS and the SERS (State Employee Retirement Service). At these meetings they monitor the activities of the two groups as well as providing testimony on proposals. They have forcefully opponent a recent efforts to institute a Graded Premium Insurance Program as well as the attempt to create a Defined Contribution Pension.

If you are interested in the work of the RCC you can visit their website at for more information. We also have a direct link from the MFT&SRP Retiree Network webpage to the RCC. You can also e-mail the organization at with ideas, suggestions and comments about current retiree issues and problems.

If you wish to provide some financial support to the RCC, individual membership is $10 for retirees and $15 for active school or state employees. A check with your name and address should be forwarded to RCC, 419 S. Washington Sq., Suite 304, Lansing, MI 48933.

PSERS-Second Spouse Beneficiary
House Bill 4585 (Rep. Stephen R. Ehardt, R-Lexington) would allow for changing a retirant's pension allowance beneficiary if the retirant outlives his/her spouse and then remarries. It also allows a retirant to name a spouse as a beneficiary if the marriage occurs after the retirement allowance effective date. House Bill 4585 has passed the House and is currently before the Senate Education Committee.

Thank You ! What's New
The MFT&SRP Retiree Network Committee would like to thank all of you who responded to our brochure by mailing in the tear off section. Most respondents told us they are interested in receiving updates on legislation that would impact them and health care issues.

A number of members included their e-mail address enabling us to communicate with them electronically. We are currently setting up AFT Get Active. This will not only help us keep our members updated on state legislation but also national legislative issues and concerns from the AFT. Those of you that have expressed an interest will receive an e-mail message inviting you to join. All others will be able to sign up from our web page.

If you would like receive the monthly AFT Retirees e-news, go to click on AFT scroll down and click on Program on Retirement and Retirees. Near the top of that page is a gray box. Click on the line that asks for a brief profile.

New features recently added to the Retiree web site are monthly Legislative summaries from the Retirement Coordinating Council (RCC) and Ellen Hoekstra, articles from the MFT&SRP Federation Forum and more click-on buttons on the main page to frequently used sites.

We appreciate you interest, your input and suggestions.